
Our expert team provides comprehensive support, from pricing and marketing to negotiating and closing, ensuring you achieve the best value for your home.

Why sell property at Senangin?

Once your property is settled with paid buyer, payment is transferred on the agreed amount.

No need to repaint, repairs or renovate. No need to prepare signboard. No need to post ads on the internet. We will take care all that.

Get on-call support from our Senangin reps and you can easily contact us to track progress at any time.

How sell at Senangin works?

First, check eligibility by contact us and answering questions about your property. A Senangin reps will follow up within 1-3 days. Optionally, you can fill the info in our online system.

Based on the information provided, we will compare your property with the market, surroundings, and nearby properties. This proprietary data is then used to calculate an estimated price for your house.

We will conduct a free in-person evaluation of your property and handle all necessary repairs. All associated costs will be transparently included in the offer price.

There is no obligation to accept our prepared offer. If you do choose to accept it, the cash payment will be transferred to your account after clearance from both the seller and buyer, typically within 3-4 months.


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